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How To Make The Best Use Of Old School Forums

  • There are a number of old school forums like Trackaholics, European Endurance Center, and Evolution Modding that can be hard to get used to
  • These forums are hosted on which uses a pretty basic old school PHPBB forum experience
  • First, register, confirm your account, and login
  • Increase font size as fonts are often small (CTRL-+/- usually)
  • Use View posts since last visit link to find new posts
  • The View unanswered posts link is useful if you're not seeing a lot of stuff
  • You can see your own posts with the View your posts link
  • Use the Start watching forum link when you click into a forum to get notifications about new posts in that forum (the link is near bottom of posts listing)
    • You will now get notifications of new posts in forums that you're interested in
    • This is the key to getting more value out of these old forums as it gives you what you're more specifically interested in