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“For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
– John 3:16, Holy Bible. Visit to learn more.


GTR2 Mods




  • Simplified Modern GTR2
    • Single package applied over GTR2 that brings it up to Modern GTR2 standards
    • Package only contains the files and patches needed to patch GTR in order to avoid legal issues
    • One-shot:. Avoid asking the user to select options from menus.
    • The idea is to radically simplify what has become a very daunting and complex series of steps for users who just want to try it out


  • Ambient and track temperatures do not go down overnight: Can I modify the weather file to make that work?
    • Weather files are simply a progression of minutes without regard to time of day. It would require a higher-level change that would be able to look at what time-of-day the user chose in-game and then selecting from a file that starts-at-that-hour. It's possible but pretty involved.




Arcade Mode
- Changes mirrors to virtual rearview mirror only
- ...???
- Is this for controllers and gamepads?
- "Arcade mode- with individual physics to suit every game fan."
  - "In addition to the most accurate racing simulation on the planet, GTR has a completely separate Arcade mode for those gamers who love to throw the car around with wild abandon. The arcade mode is all about fun with thumping music and forgiving handling - a perfect introduction to real racing for the average gamer."